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Bruce Field Airport

at Bruce Field Airport

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Comments from AirNav users
Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Gary Justus on 14-Jun-2024

  I refueled here yesterday. June 13. Two city workers drove to meet me with just 1 hour's notice to the city's phone number. They refueled my plane while I watched, then called in my credit card number to pay for it. The price was as listed on AirNav.Com, last updated May 31. This is a "Pump Service" PS fuel farm, meaning you cannot refuel yourself...You must contact the City of Ballinger to do so. The fuel station is east of the north end of the runway, next to the very small but functional Pilots' Room. I recommend this refueling to you. Be aware of the MOA airspace it is within.
From JT Murphy on 14-Jul-2022

  Small pilots lounge next to pump, 1229 combo, fuel price change every day, must call city hall weekdays between 9-5 to get fuel, or 911 any other time or Attendants live in house near pump. Not always there. My source of fuel price said $5.31 we paid $6.95 cash or check.
From JT Murphy on 13-Jun-2022

  Small pilots lounge next to pump, 1229 combo, fuel price changes every day, must call City Hall weekdays between 9-5 to get fuel. Or 911 any other time or Attendants live in house near pump. Not always there. My source of fuel price said $5.31 we payed $6.95 cash or check.
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