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Mercer County Airport Authority

at Mercer County Airport

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Comments from AirNav users
Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Melvin Price on 16-Oct-2023

  I landed on Sunday and I was planning to stay in Bluefield for the night. There was only one person available for fuel and he said there were no courtesy car and no way to get a ride to any motel. I tried to find a cab but none were available. There was a Hertz counter but no one there and for just a ride to a motel, I did not want to rent a car. There was also a $35 handling fee for an empty airport. I would highly recommend not using this place for any thing except an emergency. I ended up leaving in bad weather and flying to Knoxville where I did spend the night at a Hilton.
From Matthew Mellon on 21-Mar-2023

  I've been into this airport a couple of times for avionics maintenance (Randall Hash serves this field - mobile part 145 repair station). It's a great place to go for instrument training. ILS / LOC, RNAV (GPS), and VOR approaches with DME arcs and a working VOR on the field, AND, free coffee, popcorn, vending machines, comfy chairs, and nice people. What more can you ask for from a charming country airport?
From Matthew Taylor on 26-Jun-2022

  Stopped in for an overnight stay. Convenient having Hertz at the terminal building. 100LL was $7.60/gal in addition to a $30 overnight ramp fee, so a little pricey. Nice folks attending.
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