Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Keith Monteith
on 21-Mar-2024 |
The Bonnie Cafe, remodeled last summer, is always a great stop for breakfast or lunch. I often arrange with SRT Aviation to fly over early, have them change the oil while I'm having my favorite breakfast of Bonnie's four-egg Denver omelet. Bonnie's servers are friendly and fast, and joining the Aviator Club (free) gets your the fifth meal free. They have a buffet that's impressive, and the ala carte menu is also excellent. By the time I've finished breakfast, SRT is usually buttoning up the airplane and I'm ready to fly home. Definitely a destination worthy of regular $100 hamburgers.
From James Abbott
on 04-Oct-2023 |
This was my second Pilots and Paws flight into Mount Vernon. On both trips I received a fuel discount and had a great lunch at Bonnie Cafe the on airport restaurant.