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Bighorn Airways Inc.

at Sheridan County Airport

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Comments from AirNav users
Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Steven Schaffner on 13-Sep-2024

  Poor accommodations for pilots and minimal hangar space for inclement weather. Management decided they needed to turn the pilot lounge into offices so you will share a 12x16 square with all crews and passengers. It was completely full with only 2 airplanes there. Our airplane got hailed on due to no space; only after did they think to offer an auxiliary hangar. The CSR told us they would not charge for a day hangar, but after finally getting hangared for around an hour, we received a $680 bill for hangar on top of a $325 handling fee that they will not waive no matter how much fuel you take. Top 3 worst FBO experiences in 15 years of flying.
From Dennis Frett on 06-Jun-2024

  Stopped enroute to Helena. Great line staff made every effort to park and depart safely. I plan to stop on our return trip.
From JM Gaines on 25-Oct-2021

  Great fuel stop. Low prices and nice FBO with helpful staff. Clean, new crew car.
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