Aircraft Inspection and repair specializing in Turbo Prop and Turbine corporate aircraft. 100 Hour / Annual / Phase Inspections / A-C Checks / Conformity Checks All Employees licensed and Drug tested meeting the requirements for 14 CFR part 145 maintenance. Specializing in Embraer ERJ 135 / 145 Maintenance, KING AIR 200 and 300 series aircraft. Cessna Caravan 208, 208B and EX model aircraft maintenance. Also a variety of twin and single engine recip aircraft. PT6 hot section inspections, vibration analysis, MORE Program Requirements, Fuel Nozzle Cleaning and Overhaul, PT6 component overhaul, and maintenance. Skilled Technicians with state of the art equipment ready to maintain your Turbo Prop or Turbine aircraft. New 26000 sq ft hangar, Parts Department, Interior Department, Avionics Shop
Please call +1 (405) 402-1588 or +1 808 227-2633 (mobile) For service.
Services, Facilities and Amenities
Oxygen Service
Annual and Phase Inspections
Drop in / Emergency Maintenance
Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance and Repair
Avionics Repair and Installation
PT6 Maintenance and Repair
Fuel Nozzle Cleaning and Recertification
MORE STC Required Maintenance
AD and SB Compliance
Hot Section Inspections
Borescope Inspections
Cessna Parts Supplier and other Types and Models
Gear Inspection / Gear Swing Capabilities
Aircraft Weighing
Pitot Static / Transponder Checks
ADSB solutions
Prop Change and Prop Balancing
Micro Vib II Engine Vibration Analysis
Garmin Upgrades
Avidyne Dealer
Stratus Dealer
JSI Dealer
Honeywell Troubleshooting
Corporate Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
Rockwell Collins Troubleshooting
New Avionics Installations
Sheet Metal / Structural Repair
Mobile Repair Team
Pre-Buy Inspections
Conformity Checks
Raisbeck Dealer
Avidiyne Dealer
Start Stick Dealer
Mid Continent Instruments Dealer
Aspen Dealer
Avionics Department
KSNL Aero has an excellent Avionics Department. As an Avidyne and Aspen Dealer we can help you to upgrade your aircraft. Pitot Static / Transponder Checks performed, we take drop-ins, or by appointment.
Comments from AirNav users
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