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North Dakota

ID City Name
ND07AbsarakaPunton Private Airport
27NDAlamoOverland-Lohse Field Airport
ND26AlexanderGajewski Field Airport
ND73AmeniaPeterson Airport
ND01AmeniaNelson Airport
ND74AmeniaSmith Private Airport
ND75AnamoosePete's Tractor Salvage Airport
ND02AnetaRicketyback Field Airport
4NA3AntlerPeterson Airstrip
1ND4ArgusvilleWalkinshaw Airport
6ND3ArgusvilleLisburg Airport
ND60ArvillaDouglas Portage Airport
ND53AyrPueppke Airport
NA56BarneyMoffet Airstrip
NA55BarneyHager Strip Airport
0NA1BarneyGoerger Airport
5ND3BathgateCraig Private Airport
6ND9BertholdSkinningsrud Airport
4NA5BertholdBerg Strip Airport
16NDBismarckKalberer Airport
ND96BismarkSauter Airport
7ND5BowdonBuchmiller Airport
1NA8BraddockPreszler Airstrip
NA75BremenLill Strip Airport
ND59BuffaloGrieve Airport
5ND0BufordStiehl Airport
12NDBurlingtonPietschtree Airstrip
NA81BuxtonCentral Valley Aviation Airport
9ND8CavalierHinkle Airport
8ND6ChaffeeJ Vining Airport
8ND5ChaffeeAusk Strip Airport
ND89ClementsvilleMutschler Field Airport
3NA0CliffordErickson Airport
ND90Cogswell/BramptonDahl Private Airport
8ND7CourtenaySprague Airport
80NDCrosbyTroy Field Airport
34NDDavenportPlath Farms Airport
ND09DazeyBryn Airport
81NDDeeringMillers Airstrip
7ND1DickinsonWolberg's Private Airport
ND10DickinsonKadrmas Airport
37NDDunn CenterSunset Strip Airport
03NDEdinburgOlafson Brothers Airport
NA32EldridgeJohnson Airstrip
NA84EldridgeL Seckerson Airstrip
ND47EnderlinGeske Airfield
38NDErieSchroeder Private Airport
NA33EsmondRipplinger Strip Airport
0ND0FloraGilbertson Field Airport
ND14FordvilleFordville Airport
6ND2FullertonLarson Airport
ND22GarrisonFischer Airport
ND18GlenburnJudy Strip Airport
08NDGolden ValleyBrecht Strip Airport
0NA9GolvaBoyd's Turf Airport
2ND3Grand ForksCasslindan Airport
NA60GrandinDakota Airport
ND86GrendraPeterson Airport
NA63GrenoraStorseth Airstrip
0ND6HagueSchumacher Strip Airport
ND16HallidayFrei Private Airport
10NDHallidaySmith Strip Airport
44NDHallidayFredericks Ranch Airport
3NA6HambergRisovi Ranch Strip Airport
ND72HarveyLonetree Airstrip
ND20HattonGensrich Airport
ND85HazeltonHumann Private Airstrip
ND12HazeltonSnyders Airport
6NA5HebronChase Airstrip
ND99HicksonEllig Field Airport
5ND9HillsboroDeck Airport
NA65HoopleAnderson Strip Airport
8NA9HopeHashbarger Farm Airstrip
9ND2HopeLewis Field Airport
52NDHunterRichtsmeier Airport
ND24InksterInkster Airport
9NA4KenmareBodmer Airport
55NDKilldeerPete's Port Airport
57NDKindredOdegaard Airport
7ND8LangdonForest Airport
62NDLarimoreMorten Airport
61NDLarimoreBakke Airport
ND98LincolnCloud Nine Airport
ND35LuccaLindemann Airport
NA86LuverneJohnson Private Airstrip
NA38MaddockSabbe Brothers Landing Strip Airport
64NDMandanZ P Field Airport
25NDMandanLandeis Airstrip
8ND4ManvelHeyde Airport
2ND0MapletonKraft Airport
67NDMarionWaldie Farms Airport
5NA0MaxSemchenko Airport
69NDMaxbassTengesdal Airport
7NA4MayvilleIngebretson Airspray Airport
84NDMc CannaKyllo Airport
ND40MedinaRau Field Airport
18NDMenokenBearpaw Airport
2ND2MercerMakeeff Airport
2ND1MercerWesterlind Airport
88NDMiltonGoodman Strip Airport
ND43MinotFlying S Ranch Airport
ND36MinotSundre Airport
89NDMinotPoleschook Airport
41NDMinotHill Airport
8NA5MontpelierLiechty Farm Airport
2ND8MontplierFiebiger Airport
ND84New RockfordSkaar Farm Airfield
6NA6NewburgMarsh Brothers Airstrip
2ND9NormaBrekhus Field Airport
72NDNorthwoodBerg Field Airport
3ND5OriskaGage Flying Farmer Airport
6ND6PortlandFugleberg Farm Airport
ND82RayY-Rock Airport
14NDReederHagen Airport
NA88ReganRegan Airstrip
NA02ReynoldsSaure Airport
ND54RobinsonWhitman Field Airport
23NDRogersAnderson Airport
NA49RugbyPaul Airstrip
8ND0SarlesAmble - Tiger North Farms Airport
ND42SawyerWarren Pietsch Airport
70NDSawyerOak Creek Airport
NA98ScrantonDilse Airstrip
NA05SheldonKraig Farms Airport
NA06SheyenneBouret Ranch Airport
ND64SheyenneRue Ranch Airfield
7NA9SourisSjule Private Airstrip
NA07SourisKornkven Airstrip
NA10StarkweatherAnderson Private Airport
ND41StrasburgVoller Airport
1NA5StreeterGienger/Box Bar Ranch Airport
ND19SuttonStokka Airport
8NA0TappenTappen Airstrip
NA71TappenM Bodvig Airstrip
ND62TaylorBrands Airport
4ND1ThompsonKnutson Airport
NA12Turtle LakeJohnson Airport
NA79Turtle LakePhilbrick Private Airstrip
2ND5Turtle LakeCloud 9 Airport
ND92Turtle LakeLL Landing Airport
ND44UnderwoodUnderwood Airport
NA90UnderwoodCircle Z Landing Strip Airport
NA73UphamWelstad Farms Airstrip
21NDUphamRosenau Airport
NA13VelvaLinrud Airstrip
NA99WalcottBakko Airstrip
3NA2WashburnLorentzen Airport
ND25Watford CityProp Wash Field Airport
NA17West FargoJacob Gust Airport
ND52West FargoTrue North Airpark
NA54WestfieldMoser Airstrip
ND68WheatlandVining Airport
4NA1WillistonRing Rock Ranch Airport
NA18WillistonHought Airstrip
2NA0WiltonSoderquist Airport
4ND8WyndmereSanden Airport
ND49WyndmereKrause Private Airport
NA21WyndmereThompson Private Airport
ND55YpsilantiSperr Airport

The above list contains only private use airports and may be incomplete.
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