Fuel AirBoss iPhone App My AirNav
This information may not be accurate or current and is not valid for navigation, flight planning, or for use in flight. Always consult the official publications for current and correct information. No warranty of fitness for any purpose is made or implied. If you find errors in the information provided, here is how to report them.




   Lat/Long: 33-55-06.013N / 117-31-47.990W   (33.9183369/-117.5299972)
  Elevation: 1432.4 ft.
  Variation: 15E (1965)

Operational Characteristics

                          Type: VORTAC 
                         Class: H-VORTACW 
                     Frequency: 112.20 
                 TACAN channel: 59X 
                 Altitude code: V 
          Use at high altitude: H 
            Hours of operation: 24 
                      Voice ID: yes 
                      Morse ID: .--. -.. --.. 
                NOTAM facility: R 
        FSS hours of operation: 24 

Technical Characteristics

                      Accuracy: NOS 
                    Monitoring: Internal monitoring plus status indicator
                                at control point 
                         Owner: FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIN 
                      Operator: FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIN 
           Common system usage: yes 
                For public use: yes 


  1. TACAN AZM UNUSBL 130-145 BYD 25 NM BLW 5000 FT; 145-190 BLW 8000 FT; 190-230 BLW 10000 FT; 310-325 BYD 35 NM BLW 10900 FT; 325-345 BYD 25 NM BLW 11500 FT; 345-360 BYD 35 NM BLW 10500 FT.
  2. VOR UNUSBL 000-006 BYD 40 NM; 007-017 BYD 40 NM BLW 10000 FT; 007-017 BYD 48 NM; 010-015 BYD 20 NM BLW 10000 FT; 018-040 BYD 40 NM; 041-051 BYD 40 NM BLW 25000 FT; 052-065 BYD 40 NM; 080-088 BYD 40 NM; 108-118 BYD 40 NM BLW 9000 FT; 108-118 BYD 53 NM; 119-144 BYD 40 NM BLW 12000 FT; 119-144 BYD 85 NM; 130-145 BYD 25 NM BLW 5000 FT; 145-190 BLW 8000 FT; 145-190 BYD 25 NM BLW 10000 FT; 145-190 BYD 39 NM BLW 13500 FT; 190-230 BLW 10000 FT; 285-300 BYD 40 NM; 301-311 BYD 40 NM BLW 18000 FT; 310-325 BYD 35 NM BLW 10900 FT; 325-345 BYD 25 NM BLW 11500 FT; 345-360 BYD 35 NM BLW 10500 FT.
  3. DME UNUSBL 130-145 BYD 25 NM BLW 5000 FT; 145-190 BLW 8000 FT; 190-230 BLW 10000 FT; 310-325 BYD 35 NM BLW 10900; 325-345 BYD 25 NM BLW 11500 FT; 345-360 BYD 35 NM BLW 10500 FT.

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