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Are The Fuel Prices Shown on AirNav Guaranteed?

And what does  GUARANTEED  mean?

Prices shown on AirNav come in two varieties:
As a pilot or FBO customer, you can rely on prices listed as  GUARANTEED . You can purchase fuel with confidence that you will pay no more than the posted price at the time of fueling. If you do, you will be reimbursed for the difference.
Prices are provided as an indication only. If knowing the exact price is important to you before you fly to an airport or visit an FBO, you should contact the FBO in advance of your flight to confirm the posted prices.


All other pricing is not guaranteed by AirNav. See details below.

 GUARANTEED  Fuel Prices

Prices are reported to AirNav by the participating FBOPrices may be reported by the FBO or any member of the AirNav community of users
FBO has agreed to actively maintain up-to-date prices on AirNavPrices may or may not be current or correct
Prices posted on AirNav will be honored by the FBOFBO may not honor prices shown on AirNav
Prices include all taxesPrices are supposed to include all taxes, but sometimes they may not, as there are no guarantees that they do
Prices are indicated by the word  GUARANTEED Prices are displayed with the date of the last report, leaving it up to the reader to decide whether to trust the price
As a pilot, you can purchase fuel with confidence from the FBO, knowing that you will pay no more than the posted priceAs a pilot, you may want to verify prices before purchasing from the FBO
If you do pay more than the posted  GUARANTEED  price at the time of purchase, follow the procedure listed below to receive a refund of any overcharge.No guarantee is offered as to the accuracy of the prices.

Frequently asked questions

Who guarantees the prices, AirNav or the FBO?
Both. By guaranteeing their prices on AirNav, the FBO has agreed to keep their prices current and not charge more than their AirNav posted prices. In rare cases where a pilot is charged more than the guaranteed price posted on AirNav at the time of purchase, AirNav GUARANTEES the pilot will be refunded the difference.
How does AirNav's GUARANTEE differ from any other sites' "guarantees"?
At AirNav, we don't use the word "GUARANTEE" lightly. Unlike other sites and sources, we GUARANTEE that if at the time of fueling you pay more than the AirNav  GUARANTEED  price posted by an FBO participating in the Fuel Price Guarantee program, you will be refunded any overcharge. If for some reason the FBO refuses to reimburse the overcharge, AirNav will honor the GUARANTEE and pay the difference to the pilot directly. That's a GUARANTEE you can trust!
How long are guaranteed prices good for?
Fuel prices fluctuate with market conditions, and are only guaranteed for the precise moment they are displayed. Pilots should expect to pay whatever the  GUARANTEED  price is at the time of fueling. It is possible that a pilot may check prices before flight, decide on flying to an FBO offering the  GUARANTEED  prices, and arrive at the destination FBO to find that prices have changed. Alternatively, a pilot may fly in when the GUARANTEE is at one price, but several days later, when ready to refuel and leave, see that the price is different. As prices may change at any time, these scenarios happen. If the price just changed, talk to the FBO manager. Many FBOs that participate in Fuel Price Guarantee on AirNav are willing to honor a price that changed just a few hours earlier.
Is anyone eligible to receive fuel at the  GUARANTEED  price?
 GUARANTEED  prices only apply to the retail sale of fuel dispensed into an aircraft by or for transient customers. They may not apply to customers with special arrangements, contract pricing, locally based aircraft, or fuel dispensed into non-aircraft or other containers.
The price that the FBO is charging does not match the price posted on AirNav. What can I do?
Does the FBO list their prices with the word  GUARANTEED  highlighted in yellow? If not, all you can do is submit a price update to AirNav. If the FBO participates in AirNav's Fuel Price Guarantee program, tell the FBO attendant or manager about the discrepancy at the time of your purchase. Most likely it is just an error or misunderstanding, and the FBO will honor the price posted on AirNav.
The FBO refuses to honor a  GUARANTEED  price posted on AirNav. What can I do?
Make sure you mention clearly at the FBO that they are failing to honor their  GUARANTEED  price posted on AirNav. If the FBO still refuses to honor the price, get the name of the person that refused to honor the  GUARANTEED  price. You may have to pay whatever price the FBO is asking. After the transaction, contact AirNav with your details, such as fuel type purchased, date and time of purchase, and price paid. You should submit to us a legible copy of your receipt showing the FBO name, date, airport, fuel type (100LL, Jet-A, etc.), quantity purchased, and total amount paid. Also, tell us the name of the person who refused to honor the  GUARANTEED  price. Rest assured, if you were charged more than the FBO's posted  GUARANTEED  price at the time of fueling, AirNav will contact the FBO to ensure you are refunded for any overcharge. In addition, AirNav will drop from its Fuel Price Guarantee program any FBO that repeatedly fails to honor its  GUARANTEED  prices as posted on AirNav.
How do I find FBOs that offer AirNav Price GUARANTEE?
Visit the Check Local Fuel Prices page. FBOs that provide a price guarantee will have the word  GUARANTEED  displayed next to the prices.
Why should an FBO participate in AirNav's Fuel Price Guarantee program?
- More customers: We often hear from pilots that they prefer to frequent FBOs with Fuel Price Guarantee
- Satisfied customers: Pilots know they will find exactly what they expected when purchasing fuel
- Peace of mind: Only employees approved by the FBO can update their prices posted on AirNav
- Change your prices on the fly: When an FBO participates in AirNav's Fuel Price Guarantee program and changes their fuel prices online, the prices are immediately updated on the web.
I am an FBO. How can I GUARANTEE my prices on AirNav?
We have prepared a page with information for FBOs and online signup.

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