Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Rob Ray
on 11-Oct-2022 |
Expensive fuel (for self serve) and no courtesy car. Indifferent staff. Pretty much says it all. Crop duster strips in TX are more courteous! I've been visiting here over the years but will pass it by in future jaunts.
From Rob Ray
on 30-Aug-2022 |
I've been visiting 82J most of my adult life in aviation and always found it like a quiet, relaxing airport from days gone by. I always opt for the grass runway, which is smoother than I remember years ago. Facilities and staff are very helpful, spotless rest rooms and T-shirts for sale! Fuel prices aren't the cheapest but cheaper than anywhere within 100 miles. Great stop, Pensacola is nearby and tie down is free if you buy gas. :) RR