Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From John Mahoney
on 19-Jan-2023 |
As of today there is a new payment terminal at the self-serve pumps. Prices might be a little bit higher here but they are drastically lower than PBI. Always great service.
From Karl P. Young
on 16-Aug-2022 |
Self Serve Systems needs repair. If you are based there, you probably understand how to use it, but for a Transient, it is terrible. I spent 45 minutes and 5 tries before I got all my fuel. The main problem with the system is the display, it is virtually unreadable! The lineman from Signature had to help, and he couldn't read it. I was told the system is no longer supported and it will take $35K to replace. I understand Signature F45 may not have enough revenue to do it, but Signature as a large company should be able to get it done.
From Tim Russell
on 01-May-2022 |
Do whatever you can NOT to use this FBO. I was given the option to either pay a $400 fee or 90 gallons of $10 Jet A. I was there for 5 minutes to pick someone up. That, even in the aviation world is absurd. When you read this if you go anyway for whatever reason please post your experience.
From Bill Benham
on 03-Jan-2022 |
Borrowed the nice crew car to pick up a passenger. Discovered to my dismay that the AVGAS was not $5.09 but $7.34. Jesse James without a mask!