Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Jim Russell
on 31-Mar-2022 |
Boca is Boca, flown out of there since 1976. Since the 90's have always been a rip off. Only positive reviews are corporate pilots not paying the bill.
From Barbara Mathews
on 01-Mar-2022 |
Major sticker shock. I've always come here because it was (relatively, considering "Signature") reasonable; they are always super helpful including ride to and from the football game at FAU (adjacent to airport but you can't walk it). This time customer service was fine as usual. But the STICKER SHOCK. I come every year to attend tennis tournament in Delray, last time (2 years, prepandemic) the two nights was $76 for parking and etc. Fees. This time, same 2 nights (which will be the last time sadly) - $189!!! OMG. I called back to confirm it was right and yes $65 for overnight. Per night. (Note the "other guy" on the airport is $20 overnight. Plus of course sundry fees). My bad for not confirming fees in advance.
From Barbara Mathews
on 18-Feb-2022 |
Major sticker shock. I've always come here because it was (relatively, considering "Signature") reasonable, they are always super helpful including ride to and from the football game at FAU (adjacent to airport but you can't walk it). This time customer service was fine as usual. But the STICKER SHOCK. I come every year to attend tennis tournament in Delray, last time (2 years, prepandemic) the two nights was $76 for parking and etc. Fees. This time, same 2 nights (which will be the last time sadly) - $189!!! OMG. I called back to confirm it was right and yes $65 for overnight. Per night. (Note the "other guy" on the airport is $20 overnight. Plus of course sundry fees). My bad for not confirming fees in advance.