Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From F. Scott Sanders
on 15-Sep-2024 |
Hard to say enough about the folks at this field. Needed an A&P to troubleshoot and electrical issue and the staff rounded up Jose who dropped what he was doing and got us taken care of. While he and I were working on the plane, my wife hung out in the FBO and was treated like a dignitary by the staff there. Clean, beautiful facility with top notch people and very reasonable fuel prices. Will certainly return next time I'm in the area.
From John D. Trolinger
on 17-Mar-2023 |
Morgan came right out as I was pulling up to the self-serve and helped me and the 172 behind me quickly and expertly fuel up. This is what makes for an excellent GA airport.
From Gwynn Geddie
on 04-Sep-2022 |
Avgas self serve is fixed. Come see us!
From Gwynn Geddie
on 30-Jul-2022 |
The avgas self-serve pump is currently out of service, waiting on repair parts to arrive. They have a fuel truck and will fuel you at the same price as self serve. Attendance is M-F 0700-1700 and S-S 0900-1700.