Brand: |  |
Fueling hours: | Self-serve Jet A is INOP, please contact us for Jet A service.
Our New FBO Facility is open 0630-2030 and offer After-Hour Services between 2030-0630 7 days a week by calling 208-772-6404.
Callout/after hours fees apply outside of those hours.
Exceptions: Thanksgiving and Christmas Day where our hours are amended to 0800-1600. New Years Day where our hours are amended 0700-1700. Callout/after hours fees apply outside of these hours. |
Discounts: | Call for details (208)772-6404. |
Prices include all taxes. Prices not guaranteed.
Jet A quoted prices are for fuel without additive. Jet A with prist is available with truck service only, for an additional $0.10/gallon. Self-Serve Jet A does not contain Prist.
We accept all major credit cards and Aviation card: Government Air Card, Contract Fuels, MS Aviation, and Avcard.