Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Nels Hanson
on 15-Mar-2023 |
I flew into DSM on 3/15/23 for business. My associates and I were greeted professionally by the line crew, our Bonanza was fueled promptly, and a rental car we had arranged was ready and waiting for us. We couldn't have asked for any more than Modern Aviation provided. It was a very good experience and I would like to acknowledge it.
From Warren Bishop
on 12-Oct-2022 |
Stopped briefly with my Comanche at Modern Aviation to pick up a package at the main airline terminal. This was my first time with them since the FBO was purchased from Elliott Aviation. Note-- Sign on building still says "Elliott"! Facilities are modern, clean, and comprehensive. Friendly lineman advised me that there is no ramp fee with 10 gal fuel purchase (otherwise $20). The helpful desk personnel happily provided me with a crew car and I was quickly back in the air, mission accomplished. The people working here did not change after the change in FBO ownership, which is great! I highly recommend this FBO, which treats the little guys as well as the jets. I'll be back.