Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Bobby Hester
on 31-May-2024 |
I fly a small private plane and needed to just land and meet someone for about 10 mins at the most, then leave. I did not need any services from the FBO. I called and asked for the manager. I explained my intensions and asked if there would be any fee for doing this. I was told that there would be a $20 fee for this but if I bought 10 gals of fuel the fee would be waived. Their self-serve fuel cost is 90 cents higher than my home fuel cost so I would still have to pay $9.00 and buy fuel that I did not need, to be able to use this public airport. Wasn't this airport built with taxpayers’ dollars? If I needed to use their services I could understand, but I did not.
From Michael Gordon
on 24-Jul-2023 |
I recently returned from a weekend trip to Nashville with my Mooney and selected Contour, and I'm not sorry I did. Everything from the arrival to departure was carefully orchestrated and the fees were very reasonable. Staff was great as was the waiting car rental. Kudos to Contour.
From Greg Fogle
on 07-Sep-2022 |
Awesome FBO! I landed in a single engine airplane minutes before a heavy rain started. I was met with a rental car planeside where the lineman helped me tiedown and offload bags. We were both soaked. A couple of days later, we blew a tire on our taxi to the runway - again, the line crew responded immediately and Contour had an A&P change my tire and had me leaving less than two hours later. The whole experience, even with the mechanical and WX hassles, was fantastic. I will certainly be back to this FBO and highly recommend it!
From Calvin Burriss
on 21-Jul-2022 |
This FBO has the friendliest staff of all the airports I have been to around Middle Tennessee. The FBO and facilities are very clean. Whenever I have a question about anything related to my aircraft, or me the staff was ready and able to answer very quickly. I would recommend coming here for all of your aviation needs!
From Scott Stuart 298FM KLNK
on 05-Apr-2022 |
The line Service here was attentive and courteous. The csr's, right on point. I see no reason not to use this FBO!