Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Michael Miller
on 26-Jun-2023
Surprising hidden fees at Atlantic OPF. For a DA42 the fees were: $35 security fee $75 facility fee (waived with fuel purchase) $45 Atlantic habitat fee. The "habitat fee" was a surprise to me. GM Hugo Cortez explained they implemented the fee in January 2023. He said they left a notice in the FBO for a few months (not visible during my visit in June 2023). He also informed me the fee is not published anywhere online. I won't be back. I'm happy to pay for an FBO. But I'm not happy to be surprised by gotcha fees.
From Jon Abarr
on 16-May-2023
Worst Atlantic facility there is. Consistently slow service. Virtually impossible to get fuel in a timely manner. No one knows what is going on—
Response from Atlantic Aviation Hello Jon, thank you for your feedback. We care about your experience as a customer and would greatly appreciate an opportunity to speak with you directly about your recent interactions. To discuss further, please email us directly at We look forward to speaking with you.
From Thomas Hanley
on 14-Apr-2022
The Atlantic Team (formerly Orion) has been historically great service. I always use Atlantic at OPF. Great line support, quick turn fuel, and Go Car rental at the planeside. They have always made MIAMI DOLPHINS games easy to fly and out. Looking forward to continued flights into Atlantic with BELLA FLIGHT, Cessna 421B.