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From George Henning, PA-34 KLPR
on 02-Oct-2022 |
Another great trip into Chicago! After a quick call inbound we were met on the Ramp by the professional and efficient Line Crew. The Desk gave us the brand new Crew Car for a bite to eat right down the street. Got back and airplane fueled and ready to go! Thanks Kevin! We'll be back!
From George PA-34 Seneca KLPR
on 16-Aug-2022 |
Hi! Just a quick shout out to PWK Signature! Staged out of Chicago flying in and out of OSH for AirVenture '22 for 3 days. Stayed at the On Airport Ramada, nice place, clean, close, attached Restaurant and good price. Signature provided Courtesy Transportation there and back. Each evening called inbound to PWK and Linemen met us on the Ramp. We were fueled and repositioned right in front for our early morning Departures. Guys even had Ice for our Galley! Beautiful FBO, Great Service with a Smile.... Even though we weren't a Jet! 🙂 Thanks All!