Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Max Martin
on 31-Aug-2024 |
2024-08-15 I flew to Tulsa, OK to visit a friend. Great airport! Pilot's lounge was spacious, air conditioned, and furnished. Bathrooms were super clean. Most impressive! Busy Busy Busy airport, but Christiansen is EASY to find adjacent to the main runway, and their customer service is fantastic. I highly recommend this airport for flights in and around Tulsa.
From Max Martin
on 21-May-2024 |
2024-05-20 Excellent FBO! I have used Christiansen several times when flying to KRVS, and they always extend to me first class customer service.
From Barry Harper
on 20-Aug-2023 |
Very busy GA airport, but great service at Christiansen. Mary was very helpful in arranging a rental car, entire staff treated us like we were very important. FBO building is very nice. You could not ask for a better experience.
From Joe Christian
on 13-Jul-2023 |
Great facility and friendly folks
From Randall Sikora
on 09-Apr-2023 |
Fantastic quick turn in our Citation. One of the best of the 50 FBO's we visited in the last year
From Max Martin
on 02-Oct-2022 |
I overnighted at Christianson on Saturday Oct 2, 2022 to visit family for a concert event. The ground crew parked and chalked my C172D in close proximity to the FBO entrance. Friendly staff with comfortable accommodations inside. Clean bathrooms. Great experience :)