Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From John Longphre
on 17-Dec-2023 |
Avoid until they finish construction of the new facility. They basically operate out of a couple trailers-with-lipstick. Their only service is expensive fuel. Don't dare ask for a 110V outlet for your block heater. You will be met with a polite British "no". You will not hear "Sir, let me see what I can do." All you will hear is "no". Ask for a tow to Sheltair and get a curt "No, but Sheltair can come get you." (?) The temporary ramp gate shifted and cut my forehead, as the protruding locking mechanism is right at about 6' high. The line service guys were patient and professional with an admittedly upset me, albeit challenged with the awkward position management has put them in. Kudos to the line service guys. They can do very little, without access to even a 110V outlet. It is basically a small-untowered airport FBO at this point, but with polite British accents and no self-service fuel.
From Fred Perkinson
on 25-Oct-2022 |
We arrived in our Bonanza and were given the VIP treatment by everyone! We will return.