Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Max Martin
on 02-Oct-2022 |
I visited KSOA on Sep 30, 2022 for my regular Friday lunch destination at the Sutton County Steakhouse. The new self-service fuel pumps on the ramp are easy to access. Pilot's lounge is always clean and the air conditioning provides a cool environment. Shuttle van is always clean and ready to roll.
From Max Martin
on 05-Aug-2022 |
I fly to KSOA every Friday to dine at the Sutton County Steakhouse for their Friday lunch buffet including fried catfish, steak, and trimmings. The courtesy car van provides in-town transportation. Comfortable, air-conditioned pilot lounge with clean bathrooms. Very little traffic here at KSOA. Great place to stop for a meal or groceries in town at the various dollar stores and Lowes Grocery Market. Motel and golf course adjacent to airstrip. Still no AVGAS available as of 2022-08-05, but Jet-A is active.