Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From F. Scott Sanders
on 01-Jan-2025 |
Very nice modern FBO with attentive staff & line personnel. A word of caution though.... Runway 05-23 has no identification markings and no centerline stripe. No paint at all and in pretty poor shape. At the time I landed, (winter) there is hardly any way to distinguish the runway from the taxiway and dormant grass alongside, making it difficult to even determine that it's a runway. The ramp is rough and uneven with lots of loose gravel and potholes. Use caution! Runway 17-35 is in somewhat better shape.
From Philippe Camus
on 04-Nov-2022 |
October 2022. Very welcoming staff. FBO Would certainly gain and be more attractive by offering a crew car instead of having to use an Uber to reach hotel or car rental.
From Bob Nunn
on 19-Aug-2022 |
We picked up an AngelFlight patient from Amarillo who, after a double lung transplant, needed a follow up visit to Baylor Hospital in Dallas. The new airport manager met us immediately and tied down the plane (PA24-250 Piper Comanche). He quickly introduced himself and when we said something about grabbing lunch, he quickly let us know that Shelby's diner was the best food in town. We then discovered that it was the recently opened airport diner he was referring to. However, our AngelFlight patient was waiting inside and ready for her trip to Dallas. I look forward to my next trip to KTDW and having a meal at Shelby's.
From Martin Weaver
on 19-Mar-2022 |
I've got nothing but good to say about my experiences with the FBO, and KAMA approach. The FBO took care of our needs, and ATC made it easy to fly into KTDW. Additionally, our Uber drivers were timely and excellent. We had a nice overnight at the Hilton property downtown.
From Cory Johnson
on 10-Mar-2022 |
Excellent service. The line guys are awesome and the new Shelby's Diner in the FBO building is great. I'll definitely stop here on my next trip through Texas.