Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From James Porter
on 14-Feb-2024 |
Be careful about military training using this airport. The training aircraft using it while I was there didn't announce pattern entry, after I announced my departure intentions. Fortunately, I found him on ADSB and avoided him. Subsequently, he announced "final". Radio very weak, and foreign accent. Maybe he was solo without an instructor. He stayed in the pattern and announced his position sporadically.
From Barry Harper
on 17-Nov-2023 |
Picked up my passenger for our semi annual flight from UVA to RTN. Found same good service as always. Self-Serve fuel works except for printing a receipt, but the guy inside covered that for us. Good place to stop in SW Texas.
From Max Martin
on 30-Mar-2023 |
I fly my C172 to Uvalde regularly. Good fuel prices, clean courtesy car, comfortable & spacious FBO, restaurant on-site...This is a fine airport :)
From John D. Trolinger
on 14-Nov-2022 |
Made the Lunch run for the $100 hamburger to KUVA with a friend. FBO line service is super fast and helpful.
From Barry Harper
on 23-Oct-2022 |
Transported a pilot friend from KUVA to KRTN on Oct 4. Got fuel at KUVA and found the same great service and attention as always. Easy in easy out every time.