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From Steve Seidner
on 21-Jun-2023 |
Million Air is turning into the next Signature & Atlantic. When they have a single FBO on the field their pricing is ridiculous. On this particular day we were doing flight training at and around VCV. We decided we would make a quick stop at VCV to use the restroom. We did not need any fuel or services and we were in the FBO about 10-15 minutes. We were greeted with a $110 invoice for a ramp fee and facility fee. Their facility is an old outdated office. This is very short sighted and will cause me to rethink utilizing any Million Air FBO in the future.Response from Gil Thomas, General Manager, Million Air Victorville Mr. Seidner, thank you for taking my call today. We're sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with your time at our FBO! We do show that you enjoyed some coffee in our facility for an hour or so - which does require a ramp fee or a fuel purchase. You have my personal cell phone number, please feel free to reach out to me directly before your next arrival and I will make sure you are well taken care of.