Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Gerald Stanley
on 21-Nov-2022 |
First visit to T74 on 11-16-2022. Received excellent service and support. Airport personnel (Sarah) and other local pilots were friendly and courteous. Fuel prices were below other airports in Hill Country. Provided usage of a courtesy vehicle that included great recommendations for brunch. I plan to make a standard stop on trips going forward.
From Robert Abrams
on 14-Sep-2022 |
I flew into Taylor, TX in our B200 King Air, first time in years. I was pleased to see so much activity there. I prearranged my trip with Sarah, the Airport Manager, she was great. She set me up with the crew car so I could transport my people and allowed me to use it throughout the day, couldn't have been better. The fuel prices are excellent. Sarah has made great improvements to the fuel farm, and QC is #1 focus. There is a vast difference from the old days, kudos to Sarah, great job!
From Scott Dickey
on 12-Jun-2022 |
This airport is a great alternative to others in the area and is close to north Austin. The fuel is very reasonably priced and they have a new self-serve dispenser. Sarah is absolutely fantastic and will help you out with whatever you need. They also have a huge new ramp so parking space isn't an issue.
From Scott Diffenbaugh
on 31-May-2022 |
Arrived May 4, greeted by airport manager Sarah who assisted with reasonably priced self-serve fuel, helped load our bags into the airport truck & dropped us off at the nearby Best Western. Stayed an extra day due to weather & Sarah offered the airport truck to explore the local area, including a nice park downtown. As we were taking the truck, a jet dropped off a passenger & Sarah offered the crew a ride to lunch in her car & arranged to pick them up later. Amazing personal service from Sarah!
From Matthew Gast
on 10-May-2022 |
I spent 10 days in Taylor doing a gyroplane add-on rating, and was treated very well by the team there. They have an air-conditioned pilots lounge with reclining chairs, Wi-Fi good enough to do video calling, and cold bottled water for visiting pilots.