Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Spike Cutler
on 25-Apr-2023 |
Consistently exceptional service, for over 15 years. I had feared that, as the traffic mix got more and more heavy-hitters, the piston crowd would be treated less well. Not a worry - always treated like the most important person at the airport.
From John D. Trolinger
on 09-Nov-2022 |
Construction is just about finished and now there is are very large ramps on the North and South ends. Also the South field has been leveled for grass parking. Great airport is even better in 2022.
From Scott Lindsly
on 07-Jun-2022 |
Another outstanding experience @ T82 & the Hangar Hotel about a month ago! Excellent communications in advance, effortless experience at the airport & hotel, just spending a comfortable night running from AZ to LA...Always an immense pleasure to stay here!! Taxi (desk helped!) into town for delicious schnitzel @ Auslander, Airport Diner was bustling the next morning. An unmatched treat for the eyes, taste, and cozy rest for the weary...Refreshed for the next leg. Thanks a bunch, y'all are the best!!