Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Bob Gibson
on 18-Jan-2025 |
I have been hangared at X39 since September 2024, so I'm a relatively 'new guy' at the airport. In December I brought my plane to the maintenance shop for the first time. They changed the oil from Mineral (break-in) to ashless dispersant, cut open the oil filter, activated the electronics on my SureFly magneto and correctly diagnosed/repaired an intake gasket leak on the #1 cylinder. Keith and his team were easy to work with. If you stop by, schedule your arrival for breakfast or lunch at the Happy Hangar Cafe. I've been making it a point to try EVERYTHING on the menu, and so far, everything's been great! I would change my rating from "Good" to "Excellent" once the runway is resurfaced.
From F Brown
on 29-Jul-2022 |
Flew in after hours and needed to pick up after hours today. Called in and they took my card and had me filled up and went the extra mile with great service.