Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Steve Murray
on 05-Feb-2024 |
Great service, they waived the $20 fee even though I did not need fuel. Claudia, at the front desk, was super friendly and helpful. I will use them again next time.
From Steve Rosine
on 10-Jul-2023 |
Was considering a day trip in C-172. $47 handling fee and another $7 fee made me change my mind.
From Jim Janaitis
on 30-May-2022 |
Used for fuels stop and lunch both ways on a trip from Delaware to Atlanta and Columbus. Excellent courteous service, they told me about the self-service fuel and how much cheaper it was from self-service. Close restaurants for lunch. Claudia and Beth at the counter were excellent.
From Roger Griggs
on 07-May-2022 |
Thought about flying in KINT. Landing fee and $8.78 for Jet A. Come'on Man. Rip off.