Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Calvin Shultz
on 07-Aug-2023 |
Had to divert into MRT for the night due to thunderstorms blocking my way out east in my bonanza. Landed just before 6pm and someone walked out to the plane letting us know how to get a crew car for the night. Was able to get a good nights sleep and get to our destination the next morning.
From Art Utay
on 27-May-2022 |
Stopped in on a long x-country for fuel when an incoming storm front halted our trip. The crew at SkyVista volunteered a courtesy car, hotel guidance and restaurant recommendations, as torrential rains came down. Spent the evening checking out picturesque Uptown Marysville. We hadn't planned on the delay, but it was a great diversion. Thanks to the gang at SkyVista for everything!